English Lessons Vocabulary

Vegetables Vocabulary | Food Vocabulary in English with Images

Vegetables Vocabulary | Food Vocabulary in English with Images
Written by ilmPak

Vegetables Vocabulary! The food category known as veggies is one that almost everyone eats every day. Several crops, including bulbs like onion and garlic as well as roots like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips, and beets, grow underground.

In addition to some legumes like peas and string beans, green vegetables also include leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage. The most well-known vegetables that contain seeds are pumpkin, squash, eggplant, and the several varieties of peppers, such as the bell pepper or capsicum, green pepper, and chilli pepper.

Learn 48 Vegetable names from A to Z in English with their images and information. In this lesson, we are going to learn Food vocabulary.

A to Z Vegetable Names:

  • Artichoke
  • Ash gourd
  • Asparagus
  • Bamboo shoots
  • Basil
  • Bean sprouts
  • Beans
  • Beetroot
  • Bell pepper
  • Bitter gourd
  • Bok choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cactus pear
  • Capsicum
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Chayote
  • Collard greens
  • Coriander
  • Corn
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Endive
  • Escarole
  • Fennel
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Green beans
  • Green chilies
  • Green onion
  • Horseradish
  • Knol khol
  • Kohlrabi
  • Lady’s Finger
  • Leek
  • Lemon
  • Lettuce
  • Mint
  • Moringa
  • Mushroom
  • Okra
  • Olive
  • Onion
  • Parsnip
  • Peas
  • Pepper
  • Potato
  • Pumpkin
  • Radicchio
  • Radish
  • Red cabbage
  • Red chilly
  • Red onion
  • Red Chillies
  • Spinach
  • Spring onion
  • Sweet potato
  • Swiss chard
  • Tomato
  • Turnip
  • Yam
  • Yellow squash
  • Zucchini

A to Z Vegetable Names | Images

Vegetables Vocabulary | Food Vocabulary in English with Images

Vegetables Vocabulary in English with Images

Vegetables Vocabulary | Food Vocabulary in English with Images

Vegetables Name in English with Images

Information of All Vegetables


Plants in the thistle family, including artichokes. Typically, artichokes are little, leafy plants with several small, brittle leaves. An artichoke’s leaves have a “crown,” which is a hump or indentation on top.


Radishes belong to the same family as cabbage. They have a long taproot that is surrounded by several little edible leaves. Radish leaves have a pungent flavor that is somewhat reminiscent to the flavor of uncooked spring onions.

Ash Gourds

Fruits like ash gourds are grown in a similar way to vegetables. They share a kinship with pumpkins and squash. The fruit’s skin is covered in brittle, green scales that can be scraped off to use in cooking.


The asparagus plant yields the vegetable known as asparagus. The lowest third of an asparagus stalk is the part that can be eaten. Typically, stalks are taken in the spring when they are still young and fragile.

Bamboo Shoots

A seasonal veggie is bamboo shoots. They are picked in the early summer, when the shoots are just beginning to grow. The shoots are raised on bamboo stalks that reach out over water to supply the plants with nutrients and oxygen (similar to how terrestrial plants grow).


Basil is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean. It tastes strongly spicy. Nonetheless, flavoring is the most common use for basil’s edible leaves and flowers.

Bean Sprouts

A vegetable made from mung beans is called bean sprouts. Most people eat them raw, but some do so as well.


Vegetables like beans are grown primarily for their seeds. Typically, beans’ seeds are utilized as culinary ingredients, and the bean plant’s leaves are what these dishes are made of.


The veggie beetroot is farmed mostly for its roots. Beetroots can range in color from red to white, and they have a distinct flavor. Typically, beetroot is either raw as a salad item or cooked as a side dish.

Bell Pepper

Popular veggies like bell peppers are typically consumed raw. The vegetable known as the bell pepper comes in a range of hues, including white, yellow, green, red, and orange.

Bitter Gourd

The bitter gourd is a vegetable with a white interior and a dark green outside. Although it can be prepared in a number of different ways, it is frequently consumed raw as a vegetable.

Bok Choy

The vegetable bok choy is full of minerals and has a mild flavor. Due to its great nutritional value and low caloric content, bok choy is an well-liked vegetable.


The green leaves of the cabbage variety known as broccoli are edible. Moreover, broccoli has blossom buds that are utilized to produce broccoli sprouts, a food.

Brussels Sprouts

A variety of cabbage known as brussels sprouts has green leaves and a white stalk. Brussel sprouts have a strong flavor and some individuals may find them to be bitter.


Brassica is the family that includes cabbage. Cabbage has numerous edible leaves that are cut or sliced into salads and a lengthy taproot.

Cactus Pear

Succulent plants like the cactus pear have edible green fruit. In the US, it is frequently grown as an ornamental shrub.


Peppers are members of the plant family known as capsicum. Peppers come in a variety of varieties, including bell, hot chilli, and sweet chilli. Edible pods from the capsicum plant have a mild flavour and texture.


A root vegetable called a carrot is raised for its greens. The orange carrot and the purple carrot are only two of the countless variations. You can consume carrots either raw or cooked.


Cauliflower is a vegetable that resembles a head-on cabbage. You can eat it cooked or uncooked. There are numerous recipes that call for the usage of cauliflower.


The celery root, celery stalk, and cored celery are just a few of the many types of this vegetable. Celery can be consumed either raw or cooked.


The vegetable chayote is a member of the squash family. It produces tiny, green, pears-shaped fruits with a prickly stem and numerous seeds. Cucumber-like chayotes only grow in Mexico and South America.

Collar Greens

The cabbage family also includes collard greens. They feature long stems and thick, clumps of dark green leaves. You may consume collard greens either raw or cooked, and they are incredibly nutrient-dense.


The herb coriander is widespread and used in a variety of dishes. It belongs to the mint family and has tiny purple flowers and long, thin green leaves. Curry dishes or soups can be flavored with coriander.


The grain used to create cornbread and cornmeal is called corn. Popcorn and sweet corn are two of the many types of corn.


A extremely popular vegetable, cucumbers are frequently consumed fresh, pickled, or in salads. They have tall stalks and small, green leaves.


A type of vegetable called an eggplant has white flesh and delicate, purple skin. It is frequently used in vegetarian and Italian cuisine.


The parsley family includes the plant fennel. Typically, fennel is a herb with small, palatable leaves and a long, hollow leafy stem.


An herb from the onion family that is particularly popular is garlic. Little garlic cloves are located at the apex of the long, hollow stem of garlic.


The mustard family includes the plant known as horseradish. It has small, delicious leaves and a tall, hollow stem.

Knol khol

The Himalayan Mountain range is the home of the green vegetable known as “knol khol.” Little, edible leaves are present on a tall, hollow stalk.

Lady’s Finger

Alliums are a family of vegetables that include lady’s finger. It can be cooked but is typically eaten as a salad.


Lemons are citrus fruits with an acidity range of 0.7 to 3.5. (depending on the variety). It can be cooked with but is typically eaten raw.


Lamiaceae is the family of herbs that includes mint. It has tiny, green leaves and typically purple or white flowers.


A sort of fungus that is edible is the mushroom. They come in a wide variety of shapes and hues, such as white, yellow, red, and brown.


Okra is a type of vegetable with a little bitter flavor that is typically green in color. Usually, it is either cooked or eaten raw.


Members of the lily family include onions. They can produce several tiny, white or purple flowers from a bulbous base that can reach a length of 10 inches. The blooms, which are utilized in cooking, are often green.


One such root vegetable is peas. Its roots are a great source of energy because they are rich in carbs. They can be boiled, preserved, or grown in greenhouses and used as fertilizer.


A common root vegetable in supermarkets is the potato. It frequently appears in a variety of cuisines and stews, both raw and cooked.


The fruit pumpkin can be consumed either raw or cooked. It is frequently used to produce breads, pies, and muffins and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

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