Antonyms Words in English With Urdu Meanings | Download PDFAntonyms Words in English With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

Learn Antonyms words in English with Urdu meanings. List of Antonyms words and meanings in English for  English speaking conversation. These Antonyms words with meanings will help you improve your English. These Antonyms words and meanings are generally used in English conversation. They can further help improve English Vocabulary. If you want to download a complete PDF Book for this then go to the bottom of this page.

Antonyms Words and Meanings

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They are often used to provide contrast or to highlight differences between two things. Antonyms can be found in almost every language, and they play an important role in communication and expression. Antonyms can be classified into several categories, such as gradable and absolute antonyms. Gradable antonyms are pairs of words that exist on a continuum, such as hot and cold, where there are varying degrees between the two extremes. Absolute antonyms, on the other hand, are pairs of words that are completely opposite with no middle ground, such as alive and dead. Antonyms can also be used to create irony or sarcasm in language. For example, saying “nice job” to someone who has made a mistake is a sarcastic use of antonyms. Learning antonyms is an important part of vocabulary development and can improve communication and understanding. It allows people to express themselves with more nuance and accuracy, and it also makes it easier to comprehend written and spoken language.

Words & Antonyms in English With Urdu Meanings

Merit اچھا وصف Demerit برا وصف
Kind مہربان Unkind نا مہربان
Ancient قدیم Modern جدید
Beautiful خوبصورت Ugly بد صورت
Win جیتنا Lose ہرنا
Slow سُست Fast تیز
Young جوان Old بورھا
Collect اکٹھا کرنا Distribute تقسیم کرنا
Conceal چھپانا Reveal ظاہر کرنا
High بلند Low نیچا
Sweat میٹھا Sour کھٹا
Straight سیدھا Curved ٹیڑ ھا
Affirm اقرار کرنا Deny انکار کرنا
Cheap سستا Dear مہنگا
Clean صاف ستھرا Dirty میلا
Cruel ظالم Kind مہربان
Final آخری Initial ابتدائی
Hard سخت Soft نرم
Antonyms Words in English With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF
Antonyms Words in English With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF


Increase بڑھنا Decrease کم ہونا
Pure خالص Impure غیر خالص
Practical عملی Theoretical نظر یاتی
Public عام Privat خاص
Bold بہادر Timid بزدل
Far دور Near نزدیک
Fat موٹا Thin دبلا پتلا
Weal خوشی Woe غم
Lead رہنمائی کرنا Follow پیروی کرنا
Gathen اکٹھا کرنا Scatter بکھیرنا
Mount اوپر چڑھنا Dismount اتر جانا
Please خوش کرنا Displease ناراض کر دینا
Go جانا Come آنا
Inhale سانس لینا Exhale سانس چھوڑنا
Tragedy المیہ Comedy تفریحیہ
Ebb چڑ ھاؤ Flow اتار
Guilty مجرم Innocent معصوم
Knowledge علم Ignorance لا علمی
Antonyms Words in English With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF
Antonyms Words in English With Urdu Meanings

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By Abdul

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