English Lessons Vocabulary

101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | PDF

101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | PDF
Written by Abdul

101 Basic English Vocabulary words with Urdu meanings, learn basic English words with Urdu meanings for speaking English daily life. these Basic English words are commonly used in our daily life English Conversation.

Basic vocabulary words are the foundation of any language, acting as the foundation of communication and comprehension. These words are necessary for expressing ideas, feelings, and concepts in daily dialogues, whether written or spoken. They offer language learners with a firm foundation, allowing them to engage in meaningful relationships with others and traverse varied social and professional situations.

Note: The complete PDF Book of this lesson is given at the bottom of this page.

101 Basic English Vocabulary Words

Concert کنسرٹ/محفل
Hidden خفیہ/چھپایا ہوا
Gentleman شریف آدمی
Academy اکیڈمی
Maybe شاید
Original اصلی
Ancient قدیم
Officer افسر
Country ملک
Yet ابھی
Pound ٹھونکنا
Publish شائع کرنا
Theater تھیٹر
Dictionary ڈکشنری
Board تختہ
Risk خطرہ مول لینا
Wonder حیرت
Process عمل
Exist موجود ہونا
Clue سراغ
Flat ہموار
101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF Book

Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings

Appreciate تعریف کرنا
Available موجود/دستیاب
Celebrate منانا
Determine طے کرنا
Determine طے کرنا
Forward آگے بڑھنا
Disappear غائب ہونا
Else اور
Fair مناسب
Bright تیز
Flow بہنا
Hill پہاڑی
Puddle تالاب
Season موسم
Level سطح
Solution حل
Waste ضائع کرنا
Beat شکست دینا
Response جواب
Lone اکیلا
101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF Book

101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings

Communicate رابطہ کرنا
Whether موسم
Depend انحصار کرنا
Crowd ہجوم
Empty خالی
Exact بلکل سہی
Fresh تازہ
Alive زندہ
Argue بحث کرنا
Dish ڈش
Gather اکٹھا کرنا/جمع کرنا
Offer پیش کرنا
Price قیمت
Property جائیداد
Item چیز
Tool اوزار
Treat سلوک کرنا
Purchase خریدنا
Indicate اشارہ کرنا
Select منتخب کرنا/چُننا
Product پروڈکٹ/مصنوعات
101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF Book

101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings

Learn more: Vegetable Names in English with Images

Bone ہڈی
Doubt شک
Policy پالیسی
Staff عملہ
Speech تقریر
Advise مشورہ دینا
Toward کی طرف
Achieve حاصل کرنا
Mention بتانا/ذکر کرنا
Foreign باہرکاملک/پردیس
Captain کپتان
Injustice ناانصافی
Lawyer وکیل
Glad خوش ہونا
Wood لکڑی
Social سماجی
Bother زحمت کرنا
Explore دریافت کرنا
international بین الاقوامی
Conclusion نتیجہ
101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF Book

Basic English Vocabulary With Urdu Meanings

Already پہلے سے
Bit تھوڑی سی
Destroy تباہ ہونا
Extra اضافی
Lie جھوٹ
Opinion رائے
Basic بنیادی
Entertain دل بہلانا
Goal مقصد
Real اصلی
Consider سمجھنا
Serve پیش کرنا
War جنگ
Reflect جھلکنا
However تاہم
Meat گوشت
Wealth دولت
Regard سمجھنا
Worth قیمت
Vegetable سبزی
101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings | Download PDF Book

101 Basic English Vocabulary Words With Urdu Meanings

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