Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu MeaningsNewspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings

Newspaper Vocabulary! Newspaper vocabulary in English with Urdu meanings. Download a free PDF Book for this lesson from the bottom of this page.

Newspaper Vocabulary

Newspapers are a great source of information since they provide breaking news from all around the world. We must become familiar with the vocabulary used frequently in newspapers if we want to completely comprehend the content and nuance of news items. In this thorough explanation, we will go over a number of key newspaper vocabulary terms, giving readers the knowledge and skills they need to read news pieces with assurance and comprehension.

Crime and Punishment Vocabulary Words | Crime Vocabulary

Headline Terminology! A headline is a headline that introduces a news article. Understanding the terminology of the title is important in interpreting the main idea or theme. We look at terms such as breaking news, headlines, subheadings, dates and lines that provide important information about the article’s content, author and publication date.

Reporting & Press Conditions! Journalism encompasses a variety of techniques and practices used to gather and present news. Knowing reporting and journalism terms will improve your understanding of news articles. We examine words like “source,” “investigation,” “interview,” “quote,” and “fact-checking,” which shed light on the process of gathering, verifying, and reporting news.

By learning the important words of newspaper vocabulary, we equip ourselves with the necessary tools to navigate the vast world of news. From headline terminology and reporting terminology to understanding different types of articles and understanding political, economic and social issues, expanding our vocabulary improves our ability to understand news articles and communicate effectively with them. So embrace the language of news, equip yourself with knowledge and begin the journey of informed reading, critical thinking and active participation in the world around you.

Newspaper Vocabulary Words List

Words Meanings
Lament غم میں چیخنا
Repatriate اپنے ملک واپس بھیجنا
Aloof دور/ بے تعلق
Stint لمبا عرصہ
Transition نقل مکانی کرنا
Accusation قصور وار ٹھہرانا
Denial انکار
Chronicle تاریخی
Inflation مہنگائی
Jeopardy خوف / ڈر
Estrangement بیگانگی
Acrimony تلخ مزاجی
Activist کار کن
Concourse ہم آہنگی
Perilous خطرناک
Reciprocate جواب دینا
Feuds جھگڑے
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Newspaper Vocabulary Words
Words Meanings
Transgression خلاف ورزی
Contemporary ہم عمر
Irresolute غیر مستقل
Irreparable ناقابل علاج
Compulsion مجبوری
Necessitate ضرورت بنانا
Jubilation خوشی کا احساس
Necessitate چھوٹی مقدار
Beret فوجی ٹوپی
Sectarian فرقہ وارانہ
Enactment قانون کا اجرا
Lavish فراغ دل
Corrugated شکن دار
Staunch پر عزم
Sheepish شرمیلا سا
Blister چھالا
Diminish کم کرنا
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Words Meanings
Endurance برداشت
Zenith عروج
Long strap لمبا پٹا
Zeal جوش
Zealot پر جوش
Flimsy بے اعتبار
Jurisprudence قانون کا علم
Plunder لوٹ مار کرنا
Bestial حیوانی
Judicious انصاف پسند
Remorse پچھتاوا
Hackneyed گھسا پٹا
Plague طاعون
Muse غور وفکر کرنا
Consensus ہم آہنگی
Taciturn چپ چپ
Bid بولی لگانا
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Newspaper Vocabulary Words

Newspaper Vocabulary Words List

Words Meanings
Notoriety بدنامی
Divulge راز فاش کرنا
Commodities تجارتی اشیاء
Dilemma المیہ
Sycophant چاپلوس
Hallowed مقدس
Amicable خوش مزاج
Bogus جعلی
Juxtapose برابربرابر رکھنا
Ditch کھائی
Manipulate طاقت کا ناجائز فائد اٹھانا
Novice اناڑی
Amicable تصدیق کرنا
Mourn سوگ منانا
Immunity قوت مدافعت
Flushed شرم سے چہرا سرخ ہونا
Enthusiasm جوش و خروش
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Newspaper Vocabulary
Words Meanings
Exasperate غصہ دلانا
Intuition الہام
Capricious من موجی
Bypass متبادل راستہ
Insurrectionist بغاوت کرنے والا
Snatch چھیننا
Brevity خلاصہ
Bystander تماشائی
Decree حکم جاری کرنا
Tug کھینچنا
Cerebral حکمت بھرا
Callous ظالم
Compel مجبور کرنا
Insolvent گستاخ
Callous حوصلہ افزائی کرنا
Quack نیم حکیم
Callous بے قدری کرنا
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Words Meanings
Clench گرفت
Perpetually مستقل طور پر
Liabilities واجبات
Arable قابل کاشت
Splinter الگ ہو جانا
Autonomy خود مختاری
Clung چمٹنا
Amassed جمع کیا گیا
Parable کہانی
Augment اضافہ کرنا
Starvation فاقہ کشی
Sergeant حوالدار
Desist پرہیز کرنا
Aberration دماغی خلل
Arcane خفیہ
Adroit ہوشیار
Arcane دولت مندی
Newspaper Vocabulary Words in English With Urdu Meanings
Newspaper Vocabulary Words

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By Abdul

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