Daily Routine Household Chores Vocabulary With Urdu MeaningsDaily Routine Household Chores Vocabulary With Urdu Meanings

Daily Routine Household Chores Vocabulary!

In the midst of modern life’s hurry and bustle, the rhythm of everyday domestic duties provides a harmonious symphony of order and serenity. We welcome you to explore the magnificent beauty of home chores vocabulary that adorns the canvas of your everyday routine in this blog. Each duty becomes a beautiful expression of care, responsibility, and the skill of maintaining a loving home, from the exquisite ballet of sweeping to the soothing harmony of washing dishes. Let us begin on a journey to celebrate the elegance and relevance of these simple yet deep phrases that weave the fabric of our daily lives together. Learn the entire Lesson and Download a free PDF Book of this lesson from the bottom of this page.

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We find ourselves enmeshed in a tapestry of beautiful actions and deep intentions as we move through the everyday routine of domestic duties. Each task has a deeper significance, making our homes into havens of comfort and peace. The words “scrub” and “polish” teach us the importance of hard work, while “sweep” develops into a choreographic grace.

“Household Chores” Vocabulary

Daily Routine Household Chores Vocabulary With Urdu Meanings
Daily Routine Household Chores Vocabulary With Urdu Meanings
Repair مُرمت کرنا 
Rake the leaves پتے اکٹھے کرنا
Scrub رگڑ کر صاف کرنا
Drill سوراخ کرنا
To prepare meals کھانا تیار کرنا
Make dinner رات کا کھانا بنانا
To weed the garden گھاس پھوس صاف کرنا
To water plants پودوں کو پانی دینا
Tighten سخت کرنا
To clean bathroom واش روم صاف کرنا
To beat the rug چٹائی سے گرد نکالنا
To clean windows کھڑکیاں صاف کرنا
Make breakfast ناشتہ بنانا
Make dinner رات کا کھانا بنانا
To dry clothes کپڑے سکھانا
To clean bathroom واش روم صاف کرنا
To hang clothes کپڑے لٹکانا
Nail کیل گاڑنا
Wash the dishes برتن دھونا
To vacuum مٹی صاف کرنا
Mopping پوچا لگانا
Clear the table سمیٹنا (میز)
To sweep house  گھر میں جھاڑو دینا
Make (the bed) بستر لگانا
Clean (the stove) چولہے کو صاف کرنا
To do laundry کپڑے دھونا
To fold clothes کپڑے تہہ کرنا
Wipe off (the table) صاف کرنا (میز)
Dry the dishes برتن خشک کرنا
To mop floor پوچا مارنا
To beat the rug چٹائی سے گرد نکالنا
Make dinner رات کا کھانا بنانا

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Household tasks transform into rituals of regeneration, cleansing both our homes and our souls during the ups and downs of life. While “fold” and “iron” serve as a gentle reminder of the importance of order and composure, water, the source of life, adds its comforting touch. The symphony of “organize” creates order, and the lyrical expression of “cleanse” is tenderness.

As you embark on a path of conscious homemaking and embrace the beauty in each minute spent taking care of your home and yourself, may this blog serve as an inspiration for you to view household chores not as mere jobs but as a symphony of peace.

By Abdul

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