
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English
Written by ilmPak

Learning opposite words will enhance your English vocabulary and speaking skills. In this lesson, we will cover a wide range of English words with their opposites. Opposite words are also known as antonym words. Let’s learn the entire lesson and enhance your English vocabulary skills.

200 Opposite Words in English

These below tables are contains 200 opposite words in English. Learn these words with their opposites and stregthen your English vocabulary skills.

Word Opposite Word Opposite
Above Below Backward Forward
Absent Present Begin End
Abundant Scarce Behind In front of
Accept Reject Big Small
Accurate Inaccurate Bitter Sweet
Add Subtract Black White
Admit Deny Blunt Sharp
Adult Child Brave Cowardly
After Before Bright Dim
Against For Buy Sell
Agree Disagree Capture Release
Alive Dead Careful Careless
All None Cheap Expensive
Always Never Clean Dirty
Ancient Modern Clear Unclear
Angel Devil Clockwise Counterclockwise
Angry Calm Close Open
Answer Question Cold Hot
Apart Together Comedy Tragedy
Appear Disappear Come Go
Arrive Depart Comfort Discomfort
Artificial Natural Comedy Tragedy
Ascend Descend Cool Warm
Attack Defend Courage Fear
Autumn Spring Crazy Sane
Awake Asleep Create Destroy
Bad Good Cry Laugh
Back Front Dangerous Safe
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

200 Antonym Words in English

Word Opposite Word Opposite
Dark Light Fake Real
Day Night Fall Rise
Dead Alive False True
Deep Shallow Far Near
Defeat Victory Fast Slow
Demand Supply Fat Thin
Dense Sparse Father Mother
Depart Arrive Few Many
Descend Ascend Find Lose
Destroy Create Finish Start
Difficult Easy First Last
Dirty Clean Float Sink
Disappear Appear Follow Lead
Dull Bright Forgive Blame
East West Forward Backward
Easy Difficult Free Imprison
Empty Full Fresh Stale
End Begin Friend Enemy
Enemy Friend Full Empty
Enter Exit Future Past
Even Odd Gentle Rough
Ever Never Give Take
Excite Calm Glad Sad
Expand Contract Glass Plastic
Export Import Global Local
Expose Conceal Gloom Brightness
External Internal Go Come
Fail Succeed Good Bad
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

200 Opposite Words in English

Word Opposite Word Opposite
Graceful Clumsy Join Separate
Grand Petty Joy Sorrow
Great Small Junior Senior
Grow Shrink Just Unjust
Guilty Innocent Keep Release
Happy Sad Kind Cruel
Hate Love Knowledge Ignorance
Healthy Unhealthy Land Sea
Heaven Hell Large Small
Heavy Light Last First
High Low Late Early
Honest Dishonest Laugh Cry
Horizontal Vertical Law Crime
Hot Cold Lazy Industrious
Huge Tiny Lead Follow
Humid Dry Left Right
Husband Wife Less More
Identify Misidentify Light Heavy
Idle Active Like Dislike
Ignore Notice Limited Unlimited
Ill Well Listen Speak
Import Export Little Big
In Out Live Die
Increase Decrease Lock Unlock
Individual Group Long Short
Inside Outside Lose Win
Intelligent Stupid Loud Quiet
Interior Exterior Love Hate
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

Opposite Words in English

Word Opposite Word Opposite
Low High Nothing Everything
Male Female Now Then
Many Few Obey Defy
Married Single Objective Subjective
Master Servant Odd Even
Maximum Minimum Off On
Me You Old New
Melt Freeze Open Closed
Men Women Optimist Pessimist
Merry Sad Out In
Middle Side Over Under
Minor Major Pain Pleasure
Miss Hit Parent Child
Modern Ancient Part Whole
Momentary Eternal Past Future
Moral Immoral Patient Impatient
Mountain Valley Peace War
Narrow Wide Permanent Temporary
Near Far Poor Rich
Negative Positive Possible Impossible
Never Always Pour Sip
New Old Power Weakness
Night Day Positive Negative
No Yes Post Pre
Noise Silence Poverty Wealth
None All Precede Follow
Normal Abnormal Predict Retrospect
North South Presence Absence
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

Antonym Words in English

Word Opposite Word Opposite
Pride Humility Same Different
Private Public Satisfy Dissatisfy
Product Consumer Save Spend
Profit Loss Scatter Collect
Progress Regress Scatter Gather
Push Pull Scream Whisper
Quiet Loud Search Ignore
Raise Lower Send Receive
Rare Common Senior Junior
Real Fake Separate Join
Reality Fantasy Serious Funny
Rebuild Destroy Shallow Deep
Receive Send Sharp Dull
Recede Advance Short Long
Reduce Increase Shrink Expand
Refuse Accept Shy Bold
Regard Disregard Sick Healthy
Regular Irregular Simple Complex
Reject Accept Single Married
Remember Forget Sink Float
Remove Insert Succeed Fail
Renew Deteriorate Small Big
Repel Attract Smooth Rough
Rest Work Sober Drunk
Right Wrong Soft Hard
Rise Fall Son Daughter
Rough Smooth Sour Sweet
Safe Dangerous Spicy Mild
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

Opposite Words in English

Word Opposite Word Opposite
Spread Gather Under Over
Spring Autumn Unhappy Happy
Start Finish Union Division
Stay Leave Up Down
Stop Go Useful Useless
Strong Weak Visible Invisible
Success Failure War Peace
Summer Winter Warm Cold
Superior Inferior Wealth Poverty
Sweet Bitter Wet Dry
Tall Short White Black
Teach Learn Whole Part
Temporary Permanent Wide Narrow
Terrible Wonderful Wife Husband
Thick Thin Win Lose
Tight Loose Wise Foolish
Time Space With Without
Tiny Huge Woman Man
Top Bottom Wonder Comprehend
Transparent Opaque Yes No
True False Young Old
Trust Distrust Zero Nonzero
200 Opposite Words in English | Antonym Words in English

200 Opposite Words in English

That was our today’s lesson about 200 English words with their opposites or antonyms. Get a free PDF book of this lesson:


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