English Lessons Vocabulary

Start Speaking English With These Simple Words | PDF Book

Start Speaking English With These Simple Words | Download PDF Book
Written by Abdul

Start Speaking English With These Simple Words! As you delve into the enchanting world of simple English words, you embark on a remarkable voyage of discovery, communication, and personal growth. Each word in this linguistic tapestry carries its unique magic, revealing the beauty of human expression and connection. With “hello,” you open doors to new friendships, while “thank you” weaves threads of appreciation. “Love” bridges gaps, “smile” spreads joy, and “yes” embraces positivity. Download a free PDF Book of this lesson from the bottom of this page.

Also Read: English Vocabulary

With “no,” you may set limits with grace, and with “please,” you can navigate conversations with courtesy. “Sorry” mends bridges, “help” extends a sympathetic hand, and “learn” becomes your lifetime friend on the path of learning.

So let us rejoice in the simplicity and power of these words, and use them to open the door to fluent English and fill our lives with meaningful relationships and limitless possibilities. Together, we will lay the groundwork for exploring the infinite marvels of communication and finding peace in the beauty of words.

Simple Words With Urdu Meanings

Extremely شدید
Anywhere کہیں بھی
Elsewhere کہیں اور
Fairly منصفانہ طور پر
Almost تقریباً
Indoor گھر کے اندر
Entirely مکمل
Barely مشکل سے
Enormously بے حد
Quite خاموش
Completely مکمل طور پر
In اندر
Fully پوری طرح
Out باہر
Too بہت /بھی
Enough کافی
Deeply گہرائی میں
Tonight آج رات
Never کبھی نہیں
Later بعد میں
Start Speaking English With These Simple Words | Download PDF Book

Start Speaking English With These Simple Words

Rich امیر
Silly پاگل
Tough مشکل
Ultimately بالآخر
Monthly ماہانہ
Weekly ہفتہ وار
Wisely عقلمندی سے
Yearly سالانہ
Selfish خوددار
Warmly گرم جوشی سے
Behind پیچھے
Towards کی طرف
Stupid بے وقوف
Nearby قریب
Abroad باہر کے مُلک
Outside باہر کی طرف
Wholly مکمل طور پر
Downstairs سیڑھیوں کے نیچے
Upstairs سیڑھیوں کے اوپر
Wonderfully حیرت انگیز طور پر
Start Speaking English With These Simple Words

Simple But Important Words Meanings

Fair منصفانہ/گورا
Gorgeous خوبصورت
Foolish بے وقوف
Good اچھا
Fine ٹھیک
Handsome حسِین
Fragile خراب/نازُک
Jealous حاسد
Friendly دوستانہ
Healthy صحت مند
Innocent معصوم
Hungry بھوکا
Funny مزاحیہ
Jolly خوش مزاج
Helpful مددگار
Naughty شرارتی
Open کُھلا
Proud فخر
Poor غریب
Nice اچھا
Start Speaking English With These Simple Words | Download PDF Book

Simple Words and Their Urdu Meanings

Anger غصہ
Bad بُرا
Alert چوکنا
Beautiful خوبصورت
Alive زِندہ
Better بہتر
Adorable پیارا
Brave بہادر
Calm پُرسکون
Attractive پُرکشش
Cheerful خوش گوار
Careful محتاط
Difficult مشکل
Busy مصروف
Charming دلکش
Dark اندھیرا
Cruel ظالم
Aggressive غُصیلا
Clean صاف
Easy آسان
Start Speaking English With These Simple Words | Download PDF Book

Simple Words and Their Urdu Meanings

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