
60 English To Urdu Words and Meanings Starting With Letter “A”

60+ English To Urdu Words & Meanings Starting With Letter "A"
Written by Abdul

Learn 60+ English to Urdu words and meanings starting with letter A. The letter A is the first letter of the English alphabet and is used to represent a sound that is pronounced as “ay” or “ah”. It is a vowel and can form the basis of a syllable or word. We can use these words in our daily life and they will be very helpful for you. Download the complete PDF Book of this tutorial from the bottom of this page.

Words Starting With Letter “A”

The English language has many words with the letter “A” that have a variety of meanings and applications. There are numerous words that start with “A” that we use every day, ranging from nouns, verbs, and adjectives to abstract concepts, physical objects, and adjectives.

Also Read: Regular and Irregular Verbs List

These are only a few of the numerous words in the English language that begin with the letter “A”. Words that begin with “A” are flexible and important parts of our language, utilized in everything from literature to academic writing.

List of Words That Start With “A”

Abandon ترک کرنا
About کے بارے میں
Ability صلاحیت
Abroad بیرون ملک
Able قابل
Above اوپر
Absence عدم موجودگی
Absolute مطلق
Absorb جذب کرنا
Abstract خلاصہ
Abundance کثرت
Accelerate تیزی سے بڑھنا
Absurd بے معنی
Accept قبول کرنا
Academic تعلیمی
Abuse بد استعمال
Access رسائی
Administration انتظامیہ
Admire پسند کرنا
Admit اعتراف کرنا
Adjust درست کرنا
60+ English To Urdu Words & Meanings Starting With Letter "A"

60+ English To Urdu Words & Meanings Starting With Letter “A”

Accident حادثہ
Accompany ساتھ چلنا
Account حساب
Acknowledge تسلیم کرنا
Accomplish پورا کرنا
Accuracy درستگی
Act کام
According مطابق
Accuse الزام لگانا
Activity سرگرمی
Acquire حاصل کرنا
Achieve حاصل کرنا
Acid تیزاب
Across دوران
Actor اداکار
Active فعال
Action کارروائی
Adequate کافی
Add شامل کرنا
Adapt موافق بنانا
Address پتہ
60+ English To Urdu Words & Meanings Starting With Letter "A"

Words Starting With Letter “A”

Adolescent نوجوان
Adult بالغ
Advantage فائدہ
Advertise تشہیر کرنا
Adopt اختیار کرنا
Adventure مہم
Advice نصیحت
Advocate وکیل
Advance تقدم
Affair تعلق/چکر
Affect اثرانداز ہونا
After بعد میں
Afternoon دوپہر
Afford محیط ہونا
Against خلاف
Age عمر
Afraid خوفزدہ
Again دوبارہ
Aggressive جارحانہ
Agree متفق
 Ago پہلے
60+ English To Urdu Words & Meanings Starting With Letter "A"

Words & Meanings Starting With Letter “A”

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