55 Different Types of Injuries in English With Urdu Meanings | PDF55 Different Types of Injuries in English With Urdu Meanings | PDF

Types of Injuries! Hi dear learners, in this you are going to learn 55 different types of injuries and their English with Urdu meanings. Injuries can be defined as any physical harm or damage caused to the body due to an external force or trauma. There are various types of injuries, each with its own symptoms, causes, and treatments. These injuries-related Vocabulary words will help you speak English with Doctors or anybody when your topic is injury. Download the complete PDF of this topic from the bottom of this page. So let’s start today’s lesson.

Different Types of Injuries

Understanding the different forms of injuries is essential for prevention, management, and overall health. Injuries are an unfortunate part of life. We will delve into the wide realm of injuries in this thorough guide, looking at many categories and illuminating their causes, symptoms, and long-term effects. Accidents, falls, or other high-impact incidents can cause traumatic injuries, which appear suddenly.

Common traumatic injuries include fractures, sprains, dislocations, concussions, and contusions will be discussed in this section. We’ll go through the causes of these injuries, their immediate symptoms, and how crucial it is to see a doctor right away in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and the best possible care. Overuse injuries occur progressively over time as a result of particular body regions experiencing repetitive stress. Tendinitis, stress fractures, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome will all be covered in this section. We will look into the root causes, risk factors, and preventative and therapeutic methods. In order to reduce the danger of overuse injuries, the significance of rest, appropriate technique, and progressive advancement in physical activity will be emphasised.

Understanding the various injury types and their associated effects gives us the knowledge we need to take preventative action. We can reduce the risk of injuries and promote general well-being for ourselves and people around us by implementing safety measures, preventative measures, or quick medical treatment. Remember that education is the first step towards a safer and healthier future and the cornerstone of injury prevention.

Different Types of Injuries

Injuries Words Urdu Meanings
Burn جلا ہوا
Cut کاٹنا
Sprain ٹیڑھا پن
Bruise زخمی ہونا
Contusion اندر کی درد
Strain کھینچنا
Dislocation جوڑ کا الگ ہو جانا
Bite کاٹا ہوا
Concussion دماغی زخم
Wound زخم
Laceration چیر پھاڑ کرنا
Electric shot بجلی کےجھٹکے کا لگ جانا
Abrasion خارش
Hematoma خون کا گومڑ
Bleed خون بہنا
Discoloration بد رنگی ، دھبہ
Puncture سوراخ
Fracture ہڈی کا ٹوٹ جانا
Avulsion ٹوٹنا
55 Different Types of Injuries in English With Urdu Meanings | PDF
Different Types of Injuries
Injuries Words Urdu Meanings
Break توڑنا
Cripple اپاہج، لنگڑا
Wound زخم
Swelling سوجن کا ہونا
Blister بھرنا
Hurt چوٹ
Rash خارش
Inflammation سوزش
Hives جلد پر پھنسیاں کا بننا
Burnt جل گیا
Frostbite ٹھنڈ کی وجہ سے جلنا
Allergic reaction الرجی کا عمل
Hypothermia ٹھنڈکی وجہ سے جسم کی حرارت کم ہوجانا
Heat exhaustion گرمی کی وجہ سے تھکاوٹ
Graze رگڑ لگنا
Paralysé مفلوج
Hobble لنگراہٹ
Injured زخمی
Harm نقصان
55 Different Types of Injuries in English With Urdu Meanings | PDF
Types of Injuries in English With Urdu Meanings
Injuries Words Urdu Meanings
Sprain موچ کا آنا
Heat stroke گرمی کا صدمہ
Insect bite کیڑے کا کاٹنا
Whiplash injury گردن میں ہونے والا زخم
Animal bite جانوروں کے کاٹنے کا عمل
Strain دباؤ
Radiation sickness شعاعی بیماری
Wrench زور دار جھٹکا
Black eye نیل کا پڑنا
Scratch خراش
Sunburn دھوپ سے جلنا
Snake bite سانپ کا کاٹنا
Trauma صدمہ
Spider bite مکڑی کا کاٹنا
Dehydration پانی کی کمی
Sting ڈنک
Tick bite چچٹی کا کاٹنا
Poisoning زہر کا عمل
Scald گرم پانی سے جلانا
55 Different Types of Injuries in English With Urdu Meanings | PDF
Different Types of Injuries

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By Abdul

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