
50 Common English Idioms with Example Sentences

50 Common English Idioms with Example Sentences
Written by Abdul

Hi, learners in this lesson we will learn 50 common English idioms with example sentences. Idioms are expressions that might seem confusing at first look. For example, when someone says, “It’s raining cats and dogs,” they don’t suggest animals are dropping from the sky; they just mean it’s raining heavily!

This lesson will teach you some common English idioms with each example sentence. This will help you to understand how these idioms are used in everyday language. So learn these idioms with examples and improve your English.

Common English Idioms with Examples


It’s a piece of cake
Example: The math test was a piece of cake.

Keep an eye on the ball
Example: Keep an eye on the ball during the game.

Keep your chin up
Example: Keep your chin up; things will get better.

Kick the bucket
Example: The old tree finally kicked the bucket last winter.

Kill two birds with one stone
Example: She studied and did her homework, killing two birds with one stone.

Let the cat out of the bag
Example: He let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

Miss the boat
Example: Don’t miss the boat; apply for the job now.

On the ball
Example: The new manager is really on the ball.

Once in a blue moon
Example: We see our old friends once in a blue moon.

Pay through the nose
Example: They paid through the nose for the new car.

Pull someone’s leg
Example: She was just pulling your leg; the story isn’t true.

Put all your eggs in one basket
Example: It’s risky to put all your eggs in one basket.

Read between the lines
Example: You need to read between the lines to understand the message.

Rule of thumb
Example: As a rule of thumb, always back up your data.

See eye to eye
Example: They don’t always see eye to eye on politics.

Shake a leg
Example: We need to shake a leg if we want to catch the train.

The ball is in your court
Example: I’ve given you the information; now the ball is in your court.

The best of both worlds
Example: Living in the city and having a country house is the best of both worlds.

The early bird catches the worm

Example: She wakes up early; the early bird catches the worm.

The last straw
Example: His rude comment was the last straw for her.

Throw in the towel
Example: After trying for hours, he finally threw in the towel.

Under the weather
Example: She’s feeling under the weather today.

Up in the air
Example: Our vacation plans are still up in the air.

When pigs fly
Example: He’ll apologize when pigs fly.

It’s a piece of cake
Example: Learning to play the piano was a piece of cake for her.

Common English Idioms with Examples


A penny for your thoughts
Example: A penny for your thoughts?

A piece of cake
Example: The test was a piece of cake.

Actions speak louder than words
Example: Actions speak louder than words; show your kindness.

All ears
Example: I’m all ears; tell me more.

An arm and a leg
Example: The new phone costs an arm and a leg.

Barking up the wrong tree
Example: You’re barking up the wrong tree; I didn’t do it.

Beat around the bush
Example: Stop beating around the bush and say it directly.

Bite the bullet
Example: I had to bite the bullet and finish my work.

Break a leg
Example: Break a leg at your performance tonight!

Call it a day
Example: Let’s call it a day and go home.

Catch someone’s eye
Example: The colorful display caught her eye.

Cry over spilled milk
Example: It’s no use crying over spilled milk.

Don’t count your chickens
Example: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Don’t put all your eggs
Example: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Down to the wire
Example: The project came down to the wire.

Drop in the bucket
Example: This donation is just a drop in the bucket.

Every cloud has a silver lining
Example: Even bad times have good parts; every cloud has a silver lining.

Fish out of water
Example: He felt like a fish out of water at the party.

Get a taste of your own medicine
Example: She got a taste of her own medicine when he ignored her.

Get cold feet
Example: He got cold feet before the wedding.

Give the benefit of the doubt
Example: Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt this time.

Go the extra mile
Example: She’s always willing to go the extra mile for her friends.

Hit the nail on the head
Example: You hit the nail on the head with your analysis.

In the blink of an eye
Example: The car disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Jump the gun
Example: He jumped the gun and announced the news too early.

50 Common English Idioms with Example Sentences

Common English Idioms

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