Category - How to Improve Communication Skills?

How to Improve Communication skills?

In this category, we will learn how to improve communication skills in the English language. This category is going to cover wide range of important and helpful topics. Some of given below:

What is communication?

  • The transmission model
  • Understanding how we understand
  • A new model of communication
  • The three levels of understanding
  • Conversation: the heart of communication

How conversations work

  • What is a conversation?
  • Why do conversations go wrong?
  • Putting conversations in context
  • Working out the relationship
  • Setting a structure
  • Managing behavior

Seven ways to improve your conversations

  1. Clarify your objective
  2. Structure your thinking
  3. Manage your time
  4. Find common ground
  5. Move beyond argument
  6. Summarize often
  7. Use visuals

The skills of enquiry

  • Paying attention
  • Treating the speaker as an equal
  • Cultivating ease
  • Encouraging
  • Asking quality questions
  •  Rationing information
  • Giving positive feedback

The skills of persuasion

  • Character, logic and passion
  • What’s the big idea?
  • Arranging your ideas
  • Expressing your ideas
  • Remembering your ideas
  • Delivering effectively

Interviews: holding a formal conversation

  • When is an interview not an interview?
  • Preparing for the interview
  • Structuring the interview
  • Types of interviews

Making a presentation

  • Putting yourself on show
  • Preparing for the presentation
  • Managing the material
  • Controlling the audience
  • Looking after yourself
  • Answering questions

Putting it in writing

  • Writing for results
  • Making reading easier
  • Writing step by step
  • Designing the document
  • Writing a first draft
  • Effective editing
  • Writing for the web

Networking: the new conversation

  • To network or not to network?
  • Preparing to network
  • The skills of networking conversations
  • Following up and building your network

If you’re not communicating, you’re not managing.

In 2003, the American Management Association asked its members what skills go to make an effective leader. Number one skill – way ahead of the others – was communication (84 per cent). Interestingly, numbers two and three – motivating others (56 per cent) and team-building (46 per cent) – also rely on effective communication. What’s more, 60 per cent of executives who responded listed lack of collaboration as their top leadership challenge.