
66 Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings | Advanced Words

66 Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings | Advanced Words
Written by Abdul

In this lesson, we will learn some advance vocabulary words with Urdu meanings and with a complete PDF. This lesson is made especially for beginners who are trying to improve their daily use of English vocabulary. In this list, you will learn almost those vocabulary words that are commonly used in our daily life conversations. By practicing these advance vocabulary words with Urdu meanings you can become more confident in English speaking. So now it’s time to start our lesson. You can download the complete PDF for free from the bottom of this page. PDF link at the end of this post.

66 English to Urdu Advanced Vocabulary Words

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Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings

Advanced Words Urdu Meanings
Forbid باز رکھنا
Debase بے قدر
Hindrance رکاوٹ- مزاحمت
Entangle الجھانا
Contempt ذلت
Simplicity سادہ پن
Stigma بدنامی
Tacit چپ چاپ
Acquit رہا کرنا
Niggardly تنگ دل
Grumpy چڑچڑا
Docile اصلاح پذیر
Inordinate بہت زیادہ
Awe احترام
Gruesome نفرت انگیز
Dissent اختلاف- اعتراض
Naive سادہ لوح
Forbearance قابل برداشت
Vanity تکبر خود پسندی
Aggravate شدید کرنا -سنگین کرنا
Amenable ماننے والا
66 Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings | Advanced Words

Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings

Advanced English Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings

Advanced Words Urdu Meanings
Reneger غدار ، دین سے فرارای
Harbor پناہ- دل میں جگہ دینا
Frivolous نکما- ادنی
Rebuke سرزنش -ملامت
Intolerance ناقابل برداشت
Rational عاقل
Pernicious مضر- مہلک
Pleasant خوش آئند- پسندیدہ
Inadvertent غافل -لاپرواہ
Hideous ڈراؤنا- بھیانک
Concise مختصر –بلیغ
Caprice وشواس- وہم
Bashful حیادار
Blemish داغ لگنا
Prosecute مقدمہ چلانا
Succumb شکست
Docile اصلاح پذیر
Sanctified پاک کرنا
Triumph فتح -کامیابی
Profligacy عیاشی -اوباشی
Churlish اجڈ بے- ڈھنگ
Rejoice خوش ہونا
Arable قابل کاشت
Expedite کام میں جلدی -تکمیل ،پھرتی
Vulgar عام بازاری
66 Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings | Advanced Words

English to Urdu Advanced Vocabulary

English to Urdu Advanced Vocabulary with Meaning

Advanced Words Urdu Meanings
Stingy کنجوس- بخیل
Agitate اکسانا -سوچ وبچار
Apparent ظاہری
Failure نامراد
Inclement کڑا سخت
Fortitude ہمت
Lunacy دیوانگی
Glad خوش
Bigot ہٹ دھرم
Imperious منہ زور- مغرور
Amenity خوشگوار
Latent اندرونی
Agony ذہنی الجھن
Resurgence پھر سے جی اٹھنا ،زندہ ہونا
Servile غلامانہ کمینہ
Laconic کم مغز
Astatic متحرک
Generously دریا دل
Legal جائز
Sophisticated غلط استدلال -باطل دلیل
Incredulous یقین نہ کرنے والا -بے عقیدہ
Smug چکنا- خوشحال
66 Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings | Advanced Words

Advanced English Words in Urdu Translation

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